On a mission from FCC

This website is about radio, and the wonder and fun involved. It will have occasional bursts, but slow, and not so powerful. It is a small part of the larger universe filled with wonderful and amazing phenomena.

According to,

A fast radio burst (FRB) is a bright and brief burst of electromagnetic radiation (light) seen in radio-wave frequencies. They usually last thousandths of a second. Some FRBs repeat, but the vast majority happen once and disappear forever.

Fast radio bursts were only relatively recently discovered.

The Parkes Observatory in Australia made the first detection of an FRB as it blasted out of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, in 2001. However, this event would not be discovered until 2007, when astrophysicist Duncan Lorimer and colleagues found it in archival data from the observatory.

Fast radio bursts are theorized to originate from

magnetars, rapidly spinning neutron stars that possess the most powerful magnetic fields in the known universe.

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